Friday, August 27, 2010

A Summer of Giving

As the school year begins and classes are underway, thoughts of our summers seem to be the only thing still on our minds. While many of us traveled, interned, or simply relaxed under the sun, I’d like to share an alternative summer plan that not only helps others, but enriches our own lives: volunteering abroad.

I had the opportunity to participate in a volunteer program and it was truly a fascinating experience. Volunteering links traveling to somewhere new and exciting with philanthropy, equaling an unforgettable and rewarding alternative travel plan. But before adventuring off into a unique destination, make sure you find the right host organization. After much research, I encountered Reto Juvenil Internacional, a non-profit organization geared towards young people like us looking for an adventure and also looking to give back.

Reto Juvenil Internacional is an organization that is dedicated to improving and empowering rural communities all over Central America and Mexico while encouraging personal growth. The goal of the organization is to motivate young people to give their time and energy to help others while engaging in a cross-cultural exchange in a rural, little traveled area of Central America. The program that I participated in lasted for 1 week, and I volunteered in one of the poorest sectors of Costa Rica. I had the chance to work with a women’s organization composed of 9 women and their local community to learn and understand how they are using their land and natural resources to be self sufficient and to prosper. I was able to work in the fields, share their customs and culture, learn about their entrepreneurial initiatives and assist Reto Juvenil with a needs diagnostic of the community.

This organization is an excellent option for students. It is affordable, all inclusive and most importantly students receive a meaningful project where they really get to work on improving the community they visit while interacting with the locals. The projects range from environmental conservation, leadership workshops, building of schools and houses, teaching English, and other interesting topics that cater to different volunteer strengths.

Whether you choose to teach, build or simply help in any way you can, truly consider the prospect of traveling to volunteer outside the U.S. Volunteering abroad is not only a noble pursuit but a fun one! It has opened my eyes to a way of life different from my own, one that I would have never experienced in travels as a tourist.

If you would like more information on how to volunteer with Reto Juvenil Internacional, visit their website at

by Liz Alarcon

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